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Basic Communication Rules


This course contains basic communication rules. These are the rules of modern written communication applicable to all specialties and levels.

This course contains basic communication rules. These are the rules of modern written communication applicable to all specialties and levels.

These rules will help make communications less energy-consuming for you and the client. Will add professionalism to you in the eyes of colleagues and the client. Effective communication saves time and reduces misreading and related risks.

After this course student will be able to

  • Identifying and flexing with different personality types, communication styles
  • The difference between formal and informal styles of communication and when to use each
  • How to put yourself in the shoes of the receiver in order to truly understand what they're trying to get across
  • The power of silence and when to use it
  • How to be persuasive with different types of personalities in order to reach the best outcome

Target audience

  • Anyone who wants to learn how to effectively communicate
  • Anyone looking to have better relationships
  • Anyone looking to adapt their style to get their message across to different personalities and audiences

Training Duration

Theory - 2H